Sunday 5 February 2012


Holinshed: Macbeth "had learned of certaine wizzards in whose words he put great confidence (for that the prophesie had happened so right which the three fairies or weird-sisters had declared unto him) how that he ought to take heed of Makduffe, who in time to come should seeke to destroie him. And surelie hereupon had he put Makduffe to death but that a certaine witch whom hee had in great trust had told him that he should never be slaine with man borne of anie woman, nor vanquished till the wood of Bernane came to the castle of Dunsinane.'

It makes a difference, I think, that the prophesies come one after the other, rather than all at once (as in the play); not least because the whole point of prophesy is to interrupt the one-things-after-another logic of consecutive time. Hmm.

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